Monday, January 09, 2006

Authentic Manhood

What are the chief characteristics or qualities of a man? If you or I had to define manhood what words would we use? These questions were posed to me this morning and I have to admit I was slow in my response. I was actually completely without a response. If I cannot define manhood how can I teach it to my sons?

The question will probably take years to answer. Maybe my whole life, but four points presented to me this morning will establish the foundation in which to build my definition.

1. A man rejects passivity: A true man will lead, direct and protect his family, church, community and nation. In accepting this responsibility he recognizes that there is a higher will to obey. He is not the one who defines the direction or means of provision, but that is provided by the one who designed him.

2. A man accepts responsibility: A true man will accept the responsibility for God's work and his will. He will spend the necessary time learning and understanding what the work and will of God is for his family and community. This understanding does not come over night, but should be applied as it is learned. What has been God's work? It is narrated in the scriptures and illustrated in nature. A man will use his understanding to provide leadership, direction and protection.

3. A man leads courageously: The leadership and direction that a man provides will be decisive. No decision is a decision. It's the decision to abdicate your role as a man. This is where the first man, Adam, failed; he let another lead. Leadership is by nature intercessory. I mean that judgment is mitigated in the life of one who has been under godly leadership and council. Mitigated in the sense that wrong actions are prevented because of the knowledge of God's will. When someone misses the mark in life then leadership will provide instruction on how to reduce the damage. This courage to provide courageous leadership is driven by a clear understanding of the future and its rewards. He provides leadership because of the eternal value that is associated with it.

4. A man expects a greater reward: A man will learn to control his feelings; to master his emotions. Notice how Christ was tempted in the wilderness. He was offered all the kingdoms of the world if he would bow to another's will. Jesus knew that it was for this purpose he was called into the world, but to take any action prematurely would be out of the will of his Father. Men will choose the will of God over their own comfort. They will love their wives, family and community sacrificially expecting that their reward will come later. Man was given six days to labor and on the seventh he would rest. Modern man, however, wants to rest six days and labor on the seventh.

As a man I want to put aside my comforts and live a life for others. If someone in the home is going to be put out let it be me. If someone is going do without let it be me. This is the greatest example of Christ that we can mirror to our family.

God Bless.

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